Myschool building
Myschool building

myschool building

Building an edifice from ceramic in a dream means decorating oneself. Building a house in a different county, town or locality in a dream means a marriage with a woman from that neighborhood. Erecting a foundation for a building, then completing its structure in a dream means seeking knowledge, wisdom or leadership. If one sees himself working for some people to renovate an old building in a dream, it means correcting the norms of conduct in that community or reviving old traditions.įor example if one sees himselfreconstructing the house of Pharaoh in a dream, it means that he is reviving or reestablishing Pharaoh’s system of government, or adopting its principals. On the other hand, demolishing one’s house in a dream means disagreement, disintegration or separation of one’s family, relatives, friends, associates or dissolution of one’s army. Building a house in a dream also means regaining power, rejoicing or success in one’s business, all of which are relative to the thickness of its walls. Buildinga house in a dream also means extendingone’s connections, strengthening one’s relationship with his kin, friends, or if the person in question is a general in the army, or a leader, then it means building a strong army. If it grows beyond the normal norms in a dream, it means anxiety, or a delegation that hastens to enter that house without permission, announcing a calamity, or it could mean that a wedding will take place in that house. Ifone sees his house bigger than it is in reality in a dream, it means expansion in one’s material resources. Seeing buildings in a dream explains one’s determination, it also means one’s wants for himselfwhen he rejoices at finding something suitable for status.

myschool building

If a sick person sees himself building a house in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and enjoy good health.

myschool building

If he builds a hospice in a dream, it means that he is an ascetic. If he builds a school, it shows him to be a man of knowledge. If a king, or a ruler sees himselfbuilding a mosque as an offering for God’s pleasure in a dream, it means that he will rule his subjects with justice, command what is lawful and forbid what is unlawful. If a man of knowledge sees himselfbuilding a mosque as an offering to please God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will compile a study from which others will benefit or that people will seek his advice in religious matters or interpretations. If he builds a mosque, it defines him as Muslim. Ifone builds a church, it defines him as Christian. Ifone sees himselfbuilding an edifice in a dream, it means having intercourse with his spouse. Raising a new edifice in a dream represents either personal or collective material benefits in this world. It also means support, help and a long life. The element of a good building in a dream represents love, affection, unity, progeny, prosperity, a garment of honor, and girls in one’s family.Ī strong edifice means strength and firmness.

Myschool building